All of the SQL expressions for any attributes that were selected as columns in the SELECT clause should also be in the GROUP BY clause. 对于作为SELECT子句中的列的任何属性,它们的SQL表达式也应该放在GROUPBY子句中。
The return value of any function is the result of the last expression in that clause ( in our examples there is only one line). 任何函数的返回值都是子句(在我们的示例中只有一行)中最后一个表达式的结果。
The clauses of the query such as its selection terms, the selection predicate in a WHERE clause, and ordering terms in an ORDER BY clause can all be mutated. 可以改变查询的子句,比如它的选择条件、WHERE子句中的选择谓词和ORDERBY子句中的排序条件。
When you use transform expressions in SQL update statements, you rarely have a filtering predicate in the COPY clause but rather in the SQL WHERE clause. 在SQL更新语句中使用转换表达式时,很少在COPY子句中使用筛选谓词,通常是在SQLWHERE子句中进行筛选。
You can use the IN clause to create an index in the same table space where user data resides, or in a different table space. 您可以使用IN子句在用户数据所在的表空间上创建一个索引,或者在其他表空间上创建索引。
The merge statement also enables remote table, synonym, and views references in the subqueries of the set clause and in the subqueries used inside the values clause. merge语句还支持在set子句的子查询,以及values子句中的子查询中采用远程表、同义词以及视图。
In addition, the return clause in this query contains conditional logic to determine if an e-mail element is present in a given customer's record. 此外,这个查询中的return子句包含一个条件逻辑,用于判断给定客户的记录中是否存在e-mail元素。
If all the columns in the clause appear in the required sequence with a single index, the database server uses the index to read the rows in the ordered sequence, thus avoiding a sort. 如果该子句中所有的列都是以用单个索引要求的顺序出现的,那么数据库服务器就使用索引来按顺序读取行,因而避免了排序。
The partition level INDEX IN clause is specified in the CREATE TABLE statement, or 语句CREATETABLE中指定了分区级别的INDEXIN子句,或者
For now, though, always ensure you have the variable defined in your for clause reappearing in your return clause. 目前,先要记住必须保证for子句定义的变量同时出现在return子句中。
Secondly, in the clause that poisonous bolus plans in company rules, in right time, will start likely. 其二,在公司章程中有毒丸计划的条款,在合适的时间,将有可能启动。
Click each column in the query clause to fill in the clause. 单击查询子句中的每一列以填写该子句。
The term "agreement in writing" shall include an arbitral clause in a contract or an arbitration agreement, signed by the parties or contained in an exchange of letters or telegrams. 称“书面协定”者,谓当事人所签订或在互换函电中所载明之契约仲裁条款或仲裁协定。
The Approach of Speech Act Theory in Implied Clause in Law of Contract 商务合同中暗示条款的言语行为理论探析
The Distribution and Reference of PRO in Subject Clause in Chinese and English 英汉语主语小句中的PRO的分布和所指
An aggregate cannot appear in an on Clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a having clause or select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference. 聚合不能出现在on子句中,除非该子句位于having子句或选择列表所包含的子查询中,并且所聚合的列是外部引用。
The Soviets sneaked in a clause that would require us, in effect, to end our nuclear cooperation with Britain. 苏联人塞进了一项实际上要我们结束同英国的核合作的条款。
Furthermore, the settlement of claim and dispute should also be strengthen in the cotract clause, which in the case of any kind of unexpected circumstances, the2 parties could settle the dispute in accordance with, to ensure the project proceed as planned. 而且还应逐步加强合同中关于索赔和处理合同纠纷的条款,以防意外情况发生时,双方有据可循,合理解决争端,最终使工程建设能顺利进行。
A verb, such as have, can, or will, that accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in mood, voice, aspect, and tense. 一类动词,如有,可以,或将,在句中伴随主动词,起到帮助区分语气,语态,体及时态。
If specified, the notification fires whenever the specified event in the for clause occurs in the current database. 如果已指定,则只要for子句中的指定事件在当前数据库中发生,便会激发通知。
So where the original personality theory said, same personality, that's good enough for being the same person, the new version throws in a no-competitors clause, throws in a no branching clause. 所以原人格理论说,相同人格,足以使之成为相同的人,新版人格理论添加了一个无竞争者条件,添加了一个无分支条件。
Consider using temporary views instead of derived tables If you really need to use subselect in from clause consider creating view using it in the query and dropping it after query was executed. 可以考虑使用临时试图来取代派生表如果确实需要在FROM子句中使用到子查询,可以考虑在查询时创建试图,当查询完之后删除试图。
In order to uniform the terms among different standards, it is suggested to rename the term leakage current in clause 13 to touch current in next amendment of standard. 考虑到不同标准之间术语的一致性,建议相关的标准技术委员会在修订标准时将第13章的泄漏电流(leakagecurrent)改称为接触电流(touchcurrent)。
This paper puts forward the principle of choosing contract category in partnering, and analyses the interrelated clause in ECC contract document that is suitable for partnership. 本文提出了在伙伴关系模式下选择合同类型的原则,分析了适用于伙伴关系模式下的ECC合同范本中的相关条款。
As format contracts are widely used in daily life, problems of exception clause in contract are becoming more and more serious. 随着格式合同的普遍使用,合同中免责条款的问题也越来越多,由此带来的不公平现象也越来越受到人们的关注。
Some temporal adverbial clauses, judging from their forms, may be seriously misled to express temporal concept. And yet, they actually mark an adversative, causative, conditional, concessive, purposive or preference relation existing in the subordinate clause and the main clause in logic. 尽管有些状语从句从形式上看是时间状语,但从逻辑判断来分析却表示转折、原因、条件、让步、目的和取舍等关系。
However, the conceptual discrepancies of the transferred object result in major variations of the clause in terms of their conceptual frame, in particular the different conceptual conflations. 但是,由于递送物的不同,小句的概念语义也相应地发生变化,主要表现在概念角色的不同重合上。这种语义差异由小句的概念框架来表述。
Advance registration system, which is stipulated in the twentieth clause of the Property Law in our country, has certain limitations in many respects and its effects cannot bring into play entirely. 我国《物权法》第20条规定的预告登记制度在很多方面都有-定的局限性,导致其作用也无法完全发挥出来。
Despite of the long history of MFN clause, there still exists many unsolved questions in the application of MNF clause in the settlement of international investment disputes. 然而,尽管最惠国条款有久远的发展历史,但在最惠国条款的适用上,当前的国际投资争端中仍然存在很多尚未解决的问题。
In addition, the analysis of incontestable clause in current insurance market, has some reference value. 此外,本文紧密结合当前保险市场实际,对于不可抗辩条款立法后可能产生的影响进行了大量分析,具有一些参考价值。